Camp Olympia

Plan Details

COVID-19 Plan Details for Summer 2020

(Last updated July 4, 2020)

With the health and safety of our campers and staff as our top priority, our Camp Olympia staff has UPDATED our plan for opening our camp gates for campers on June 28th, 2020. We will continue to monitor guidelines and updates provided by state and local authorities, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), as well as Summer Camp recommendations set forth by the American Camping Association (ACA).

Parents, you are our partners in this plan, and communication is KEY! We are asking that you…

  • Please monitor your camper’s health in the week leading up to camp. We recommend taking your camper’s temperature each day.
  • If your camper has exhibited signs of COVID-19 leading up to camp, please seek medical attention to determine if COVID-19 testing is recommended.
  • Do NOT bring your camper to camp if they are sick or exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms including:
              Fever • Cough • Sore Throat • Runny/Stuffy Nose • Chest Tightness • Body Aches • Loss of Taste/Smell •
              Headache • Chills • Fatigue • Diarrhea • Vomiting • Shortness of breath
  • If anyone in your household has been exposed to someone who has tested positive to COVID-19 in the 14 days leading up to camp, you must provide documentation that your camper has tested negative to COVID-19 prior to arriving to camp.
  • Please stay at home/self-quarantine and practice safe social distancing as much as possible in the week leading up to your camp session.
  • Please read through the “Checklist for Resident/Overnight Youth Camp Families” provided by Texas Governor’s Open Texas Task Force.


We are implementing many new safety procedures this year due to COVID-19. We feel the best way to keep our campers and staff healthy is to create a “bubble” around camp. This starts with screening and testing our staff and campers, as well as proactively limiting our potential exposure to COVID-19 as best as we can from outside influences. There are enhanced cleaning procedures in place and monitored by our COVID-19 Prevention Coordinator, and there will be additional focus placed on good hygiene practices.

Enhanced Screening

For years, Camp Olympia has been taking camper and counselor temperatures upon arrival to camp, as well as doing a basic health screening with our nurses on Opening Day. This year, our health screening with our nurses will occur at the same time of the temperature check, prior to admittance into the cabin. It will also occur while parents are still present.

The health protocols provided by the State only require COVID-19 screening prior to entrance into camp. We, however, at this time, feel it is necessary to go above these minimum standards and include COVID-19 antibody testing as well. See COVID-19 testing information in the section below.

In addition to health screening on opening day, we have daily “cabinbook” time for each camper to check-in on how they are doing and ask basic health and hygiene questions. This year, our opening day and daily screening procedures have been enhanced.

  • We will take temperatures daily of our campers and counselors.
  • In addition to our daily “cabinbook” questions, we have a new Camp Olympia Daily Health Screening that will be completed daily.

COVID-19 Testing (Updated policy)

We are requiring that ALL campers and staff receive COVID-19 Antibody testing (IgG and IgM) upon arrival to camp. Testing options and availability continue to evolve and have changed since our original May 1st, 2020 plan. Currently, we have confidence with the testing procedure listed below; however, this method and source may change, and other options may become viable as more knowledge is gained throughout the summer. Any fee associated with the testing will be billed to the camper family. The anticipated fee for the COVID-19 Antibody testing is $30.

Testing will be administered by staff from an independent testing company, Hamilton Health Box, contracted by Camp Olympia. Once onsite, COVID-19 antibody finger prick screening will be administered. This testing will show if a person has had the virus previously (IgG) and/or is currently fighting the virus (IgM).

Test Process

  • Upon arrival to camp, you will be directed through the Whispering Pines Golf Course entrance. Testing will occur at one of the cottages at Whispering Pines.
  • One of our nurses will greet you and perform an initial health screening.  We will also confirm you completed the Hamilton Healthbox registration online form for the testing.
  • One parent may accompany his/her camper into the testing area.
  • We require that the parent and camper wear a facial covering (mask, bandana, buff, etc.) into the testing area.
  • Please allow our staff to open doors for you.
  • While waiting on the test results, each camper will be screened for lice.
  • Camp staff will be present to explain the remaining drop-off process and provide directions.

Test Results

  • Test results will be available between 8-12 minutes.
  • If your camper tests negative to both antibodies or positive to IgG and negative to IgM, then parents will be allowed to drive into camp for drop off.
  • If your camper tests positive to IgM, then the camper will be required to be tested again. The camper will then receive another antibody finger prick test as well as a PCR test. The PCR test that will be used is a nasal and throat swab, similar to a flu or strep swab, which is less invasive than the longer PCR nasal swab that is also commonly used for testing. The PCR test will be sent off to a lab for analysis with results expected in approximately 48 hours. The camper will NOT be allowed to attend camp until the PCR test results shows negative.
  • If the testing staff determines that the initial antibody was faulty, your camper will be retested.
  • If your camper has previously had COVID-19, please bring with you documentation of when your camper was ill and negative test results.

Please note that the testing procedure listed above has been modified since our initial May 1st plan. We will NOT be requiring at-home sputum (spit/saliva) tests prior to arrival to camp.  The precise window of time needed for the test results can no longer be guaranteed due to laboratory availability.  We will be health screening, including temperature checks prior to admittance as the state requires, in addition to our policy of antibody testing each camper.  For extra peace of mind, we recommend campers getting PCR COVID-19 tested 3-5 days prior to camp, if possible, particularly if you are driving a long distance to get here.

  • Our counselor staff received viral testing prior their first session of work, in addition to the antibody testing.  Additionally, they are not allowed to go off-site during their off-time. 

Opening Day

Opening day will look different for all of us.  Prior to your camp session, specifics regarding Opening Day will be emailed to you, including cabin assignments and requested check-in time.

  • We will stagger arrival times, beginning at 12pm, as we anticipate check-in taking longer with the additional steps involved.
  • Parents will be required to stay in their vehicle while dropping off their camper. We will NOT have families entering the cabins, walking around camp, visiting the store, etc.
  • Staff members will handle camper belongings and will disinfect them prior to moving them into the cabins. Staff members will help get the camper moved into the cabin, bed made, and off to having fun! Goodbyes between parents and campers will occur at the family’s vehicle.
  • If you have medications to drop off or need to speak with a nurse before leaving, there will be a station to stop your car and speak to a nurse while staying in your car and while practicing safe social distancing.
  • There will also be a station to pick up your camper’s activity schedule and find out in which tribe, Spartan or Athenian, that “Zeus” has placed your camper.

We encourage patience as we try our best to make the most of an exciting day!

Closing Day

Closing day will be quite different from prior summers as well.

  • We ask all family/friends stay in their car at all times unless otherwise directed by a Camp Olympia staff member.
  • Upon arrival, at your designated pick-up time, you will drive through Camp’s front gate and be greeted by a staff member. This staff member will ask for identification, which we ask you to place against your car window, keeping a barrier between you and our staff.
  • Once cleared, you will drive to the camper’s cabin where your camper will meet you at your vehicle.
  • Counselors will load the camper belongings into your vehicle.
  • Please note that we will NOT be providing a Closing Day program or lunch this year.
  • The State recommends the following, “Be aware of the enhanced risks of participants being in direct contact with anyone age 65 or older for 14 days after the camp session.”

Transportation Restrictions

In an effort to limit COVID-19 exposure as well as COVID-19 testing required at check-in, we have decided that we will NOT be offering bus transportation for pick up or drop off this summer from the airport as well as our other Houston/The Woodlands area pick-up locations. All campers must be driven to camp by parents/guardians this year.

If you have a camper who lives out of state or country and requires flying in to attend camp, we ask that you make arrangements to fly in at least 48 hours prior to camp’s opening day so that COVID-19 testing can more accurately detect any exposure during your travel.

We have campers from various areas around Texas, other states, as well as out of the country.  We must follow any travel restrictions imposed by the state. Please reference the “Information for Travelers” page on the Texas Department of State Health Services website for any locations in which travel to Texas is prohibited or requires a quarantine period.

Safety with our Staff

In prior years, almost all of our staff attends Counselor Training School (CTS), which occurred 7 days prior to campers arriving to camp. This year, we have extended our CTS so that our staff will arrive 11 days prior to the start of camp, with leadership staff arriving 3-6 days prior to CTS. We felt it was important to extend CTS for additional training related to COVID-19 as well as to have a longer period at camp to monitor for any symptoms of illness prior to campers arriving. (Note that the State requested camps to consider asking staff to report to facilities 7-10 days prior to the start of camp.)

All of our counselors will be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival to camp and will also have daily temperature checks. They will also go through daily health screening and be evaluated by one of our nurses if exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms.

Staff must also comply with a 48-hour quarantine period if flying in for camp.

Once staff arrives at camp, they are restricted from traveling off-site, unless special accommodations have been approved by a camp director. Their periods of time-off will be spent in various designated areas around camp property, thus limiting outside exposure.

Nurses On-Site

Camp Olympia has a minimum of two registered nurses and/or nurse practitioners on site for each camp term, available 24 hours a day. Any camper or staff member exhibiting symptoms of illness will be seen by one of our nurses. If determined that the person has symptoms of a contagious illness, the person will be taken to our isolation area until such time that the symptomatic person can be evaluated by a doctor and/or transferred off of camp, if needed. If exhibiting specific COVID-19 symptoms, the camper will be sent home until confirmation that they are COVID-19 negative.

Increased Cleaning & Hygiene Measures

We have appointed a COVID-19 Prevention Coordinator, one of our year-round directors, to monitor the implementation of our new cleaning and sanitizing policies. These new measures include:

  • Prior to camp, our chow hall, office, nurses’ station and O’Dome interior was sprayed by BIOPROTECT RTU, which is an EPA registered, water-based antimicrobial shield applied to surfaced to inhibit the growth of microbes.Disinfecting of camper/counselor belongings prior to moving them into cabins.
  • Daily spraying of cabins and bathrooms with a special cleaning agent that kills bacteria and viruses. This is in addition to daily cleaning of our cabin and bathrooms for inspection.
  • Sports equipment throughout camp will be cleaned twice daily.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (such as doorknobs, railings, etc.) with special emphasis on the high-traffic, high-touch areas of camp.
  • Hand sanitizer stations outside of all cabins and buildings
  • Additional washing stations located around camp
  • On opening day, we will have an orientation for campers to teach best practices on personal hygiene, cleanliness and recommended protocol for personal space. This will include the following:
    • Proper hand washing and frequency.
    • Covering of mouth or nose when sneezing and coughing.
    • NO sharing of food, cups or utensils.
    • NO sharing of clothing, hats or towels.
    • Water bottles must be used and filled by water coolers around camp. Water fountains will NOT be in use.
      • Water bottles must be a type where the area/rim for refilling the bottle is NOT the same area/rim used for drinking. We do NOT want any area of the water bottle that has touched someone’s mouth to make contact with our refilling station. Acceptable examples include water bottles with a straw or flip-top spout.
    • We will encourage fist/elbow bumps and discourage high fives.
    • Encourage social distancing with campers and counselors from other clusters.

Safety and hygiene have always been a priority at Camp Olympia, and we will continue communicating its importance to our campers and staff.


Although there are many new health and safety measures in place, we still want camp to feel like camp. Campers will still have individualized schedules, participate in Spartan/Athenian and have nightly programs; however, there will be restrictions in place during the first several days of camp regarding with whom they can interact. Each cabin will act as a family, a group that shares a cabin, bathroom, and “kitchen table”. Each cabin is part of a cluster. That cluster will be their “pods” or extended family. Activities, daily Spartan/Athenian competition, and initial nightly programs will keep pods together as best as we can. Please note that due to special certifications and skillsets, counselors will need to teach and interact with campers from across different pods. In those instances, social distancing will be used and, when applicable, staff will use face coverings. As the term goes on, all-camp events will be incorporated back into the program.


We REQUIRE that all campers bring multiple face coverings (mask, bandana, buff, etc.) to camp.  Staff and campers are required to wear a Face Covering for indoor activities.  When outside, face coverings will be required when cluster families (pods) are unable to physically distance themselves from other cluster families.

For the health and safety of our campers and staff, it is not feasible to require wearing face coverings during outdoor physical activities due to Texas heat.

If a counselor or camper begins to exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, he/she will be asked to wear a face covering and will go to the Nurses’ Station.


We are taking extra measures in our food service to protect our campers and staff. We are working with local and state health departments, following CDC guidelines, and adhering to and/or exceeding industry best practices for safety and cleanliness in our food handling area.

  • The outside packaging of our food service deliveries will be cleaned upon arrival, prior to entrance into our kitchen or storage areas.
  • Prior to camp, our chow hall was sprayed by BIOPROTECT RTU, which is an EPA registered, water-based antimicrobial shield applied to surfaced to inhibit the growth of microbes.
  • All staff will wear gloves/masks while preparing food and serving.
  • Campers will be reminded of physical distancing while in line for meals with floor decals spaced out 6 feet apart denoting where to stand in line.
  • All meals will be served cafeteria style to campers/staff instead of campers/staff serving themselves. This also includes the fruit bar, salad bar and condiments.
  • Meals will be served with disposable utensils, napkins, cups, and plates. Everyone is encouraged to fill and utilize their water bottles at meals.
  • All tables and chairs will be cleaned and disinfected between each use.
  • Counter surfaces are cleaned routinely with restaurant-grade cleaning solution.
  • At the end of each day, the entire chow and kitchen are sprayed with anti-bacterial/anti-viral cleaner.


Camp will enforce a No-Visitor policy at camp this summer, unless necessary for camp operations. For example, there will be outside maintenance workers that will need to be on our facility. These workers will be required to practice social distancing, handwashing and not allowed in our common indoor areas when other campers and counselors are present. Additionally, we will have delivery trucks, such as food delivery, making frequent trips to camp. Delivery drivers will be required to practice social distancing during their deliveries.


In the past, we have worked as best as we can with families to accommodate scheduling conflicts during camp. This summer, however, we will be unable to make these accommodations. If a camper needs to leave during a term, he/she will be unable to return to camp for the remainder of that term.


Our policy regarding packages for campers remains the same as prior years. We will not accept outside packages for campers; however, families will have the opportunity to purchase items from camp’s online Country Store for campers.

On a daily basis, camp receives many packages for our operations. When packages arrive at camp, we will keep them outside for 24 hours (weather permitting) and/or wipe them down prior to moving inside a building or distributing. Staff will wear gloves and/or wash hands after handing any packages.

Camp staff will wait 24 hours before distributing camper and counselor mail. Office staff will wear gloves when sorting and handling mail.


We will continue to offer our Junior Golf Academy and golf class this summer. Our golf pros will also be tested for COVID-19, like our counselors, and will also check their temperature daily. We will also be increasing social distancing at the practice facility. Carts and equipment will be routinely disinfected.

What if I have questions?

Please reach out and let us know how we can help you through this process. If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] or call us at the Camp Olympia office: 936-594-2541. If you have specific questions about billing, please email Jordan Jefferys at [email protected].


With our Opening Day date of June 28th, we have restructured our summer from 10 weeks of summer camp to 7 weeks.  Our new terms include three 2-week terms plus a 1-week term added at the end of summer in hopes of allowing as many of our campers to attend as possible.

What are the NEW 2020 Term dates?

Term 2/2B/CLP2:             June 28 – July 11, 2020                    2 weeks for ages 6-16

Term 3/3B/CLP3:             July 12 – July 25, 2020                     2 weeks for ages 6-16

Term 4:                              July 26 – August 8, 2020                 2 weeks for ages 6-16

Term 5:                              August 9 – August 15, 2020           1 week for ages 6-16

My camper was a Term 1 camper.  What now?

First off, we want to let you know that we are heartbroken that we are not starting off our summer with all of you.  Please know this was such a tough decision, but we feel it is the right one.  Luckily, depending upon your age, we do have availability in other terms.  In some instances, we have room for you and some of your friends to move together from Term 1 to another term, though this is not guaranteed.  If you want to switch terms, we want to work with you to find an opening.  If you need to cancel this year, we have cancellation options for you too.  Information in the BILLING, FORMS & REFUND QUESTIONS section on this page will explain the various options.  Most importantly, we need you to complete the CAMP PLANS FORM for each of your campers by May 12th to inform us of your decision for this summer.  If you are interested in switching to a different 2020 camp term, it is NOT necessary to complete another camper application.

My camper was a SPARK camper.  What now?

We are saddened to cancel our SPARK Week terms as well.  We decided it was the best course of action in our efforts to limit outside exposure while a camp term was in session.  We created a Term 5, a new one-week camp term, for families that solely are interested in a one-week camp.  We also have availability in our other terms if you and your camper are ready for two weeks.  If you want to switch terms, we want to work with you to find an opening.  If you need to cancel this year, we have cancellation options for you too.  Information in the BILLING, FORMS & REFUND QUESTIONS section on this page will explain the various options.  Most importantly, we need you to complete the CAMP PLANS FORM for each of your campers by May 12th to inform us of your decision for this summer.  If you are interested in switching to a different 2020 camp term, it is NOT necessary to complete another camper application.

My camper is signed up for CLP.  How has that changed?

Our Camp Leadership Program (CLP) has been modified from a 3-week program to a 2-week program.  The program will still include waterfront lifeguard certification and the adventure trip to Colorado, with fewer days of leadership training at Olympia.  We recognized that the Colorado trip is in many ways the culminating experience for the CLP program, so we have worked through a plan with Adventure Experiences Base Camp, our longstanding partner in Colorado, to limit public exposure while there.  Additionally, we have made the decision NOT TO FLY from Houston to Denver and then drive to Adventure Experiences in Almont.  Instead, we will use CHARTERED BUSES for all CLP campers and staff from Camp to Almont, Colorado, thus limiting COVID-19 exposure at the airports.

With the change from three weeks to two weeks, we have lowered the price of the CLP terms to $4,750.  This change in price will be updated on your billing statement.

If you decide that you would prefer to NOT participate in CLP, but instead return as a camper this summer, that is an option if availability exists.  Additionally, if you need to change CLP terms, there is limited availability and will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis.  If you need to cancel this year, we have cancellation options for you too.  Information in the BILLING, FORMS & REFUND QUESTIONS section on this page will explain the various options.  Most importantly, we need you to complete the CAMP PLANS FORM for each of your campers by May 12th to inform us of your decision for this summer.

If you have further questions about CLP 2020, please email Madison Deckert.

My camper is signed up for Term 2, Term 2B, or Term 3.  What now?

Your bunk space within Terms 2, 2B and 3 is still reserved even though the start date for your term is one week later than originally scheduled.  Campers in Term 2 and Term 3 will now only have the option for a two-week term instead of three-week.  Your billing statement will show the change from the three-week tuition price of $4,750 to the two-week tuition price of $3,750.

Most of you are looking forward with reuniting with your former cabinmates.  Cabinmate requests have NOT changed with the change in start date for your term.  We recognize though that changing the term date may affect your ability to still attend your originally selected term.  If you want to switch terms, we want to work with you to find an opening.  If you need to cancel this year, we have cancellation options for you too.  Information in the BILLING, FORMS & REFUND QUESTIONS section on this page will explain the various options.  Most importantly, we need you to complete the CAMP PLANS FORM for each of your campers by May 12th to confirm your decision to attend camp this summer.  If you are interested in switching to a different 2020 camp term, it is NOT necessary to complete another camper application.

My camper is signed up for Term 3B and Term 4.  Those term dates haven’t changed.  Do I need to do anything?

We have your bunk space reserved!  However, we still need you to complete the CAMP PLANS FORM for each of your campers by May 12th to confirm your decision to attend camp this summer.

What is the CAMP PLANS FORM and how do I access it?

The CAMP PLANS FORM is a required form that we need families to complete for each camper in their household.  This form will let us know if you intend to stay within the current term you are enrolled, if you need to switch terms, or if you need to cancel.  It also provides various refund options.  This form is due May 12th and should only take a few brief minutes to complete.

This form is available within your online Parent AccountClick here to login. You will need to use the email and password that you created when registering for camp.  (Returning camper families, it is the same email and password that you used when completing forms last summer.)  Please email us at [email protected] if you have any difficulty logging into your Parent Account.


When will I be billed for Summer 2020?

The new payment deadline for camp tuition is May 20th. Invoices will be sent out on May 15th, after the CAMP PLANS FORM deadline. New this year, you can view statements and pay online at any time!  Just login to your Parent Login.

When will I receive all of the camper forms for summer and when are they due?

The first form we need is the CAMP PLANS FORM submitted no later than May 12th.  It is already uploaded in your forms dashboard. To access this form, please login to your Parent Login.

Our Activity Preferences and Additional Options Form (Paid Activity Choices, Special Delivery Care Package, and Yearbook) will be accessible May 7th.  Campers, this will be your time to CHOOSE activities for summer!  The deadline for submitting your Activity Preferences is May 14th in order to receive 25 EXTRA MERITS!  Parents, having the Additional Options Form submitted by May 14th will also allow us to include any additional charges on your May 15th invoice.

Our Parent Packet will be sent out around May 20th for Terms 2, 3 & 4.  (The Parent Packet for Term 5 will be sent out June 15th.) The Parent Packet will have all of the up-to-date information on camp this summer and all remaining forms.  These forms will be due June 1st.  Please note that this year, we will not require a physician’s exam due to the difficulty of getting a doctor’s appointment for check-ups.  Instead, we will need a copy of your camper’s most recent well-check exam, updated health history and immunizations for non-CLP campers.  In addition to these medical forms, CLP campers will be required to have a physician’s or nurse practitioner’s signature on the Adventure Experiences’ Health Statement for the Colorado trip.

What are my options if my term is affected by these changes?

By making these changes, we hope to give the greatest number of campers an Olympia experience this summer. If your enrolled term has been affected by these changes, we hope you will consider switching to one of the offered terms. When filling out your CAMP PLANS FORM, you will have an option to select your first and second choice for new terms. We have varying availability for each term, but we will do our best to ensure everyone has an opportunity to attend camp this summer.

What if I can no longer attend camp?  What are my refund options?

Canceling weeks out of this summer has a severe financial impact on camp.  Much of our yearly income comes from our camper tuition over the course of a few months. Throughout the year, we are busy preparing for the next summer, including activity purchases, staff recruiting, camper events, and much more.  This is in addition to the capital improvements in which we have invested in an effort to continually improve.

Below are our different refund options that are included in the required CAMP PLANS FORM.  We humbly ask that you consider rolling over or donating any pre-paid tuition if you are in the position to do so.  (Note that any donations are NOT tax deductible.)

1. Register to be an Early Bird for Summer 2021. If you choose this option, you may:

A) Rollover your 2020 deposit to secure your camper’s space and ROLLOVER any prepaid tuition payments.

B) Rollover your 2020 deposit to secure your camper’s space and DONATE any prepaid tuition payments.

C) Rollover your 2020 deposit to secure your camper’s space and REFUND any prepaid tuition payments.

2. Not register for Summer 2021. If you choose this option, you may:

A) DONATE any prepaid tuition to Summer 2020

B) REFUND any prepaid tuition, not including the non-refundable deposit.

What about my deposit?

The deposit paid for your camper’s attendance during the time of enrollment is non-refundable.  We are offering the opportunity for your camper to attend another term this summer in which your pre-paid deposit would apply.  Additionally, if your camper is not attending Summer 2020, we will rollover your deposit to Summer 2021 as long as we have a 2021 Summer application on file for your camper by December 31, 2020.

When will I receive my refund?

After the May 12th deadline of the CAMP PLANS FORM, we will begin processing refunds for the families who will be receiving a refund from us. This process will take some time because we must process each family’s record one-by-one. We will work through this as quickly as possible. Please make sure your billing information is up-to-date. Thank you for being patient with us.

After the May 12th deadline, you will not be able to change the refund preference that you chose within the CAMP PLANS FORM. If you would like to change your refund preference prior to the deadline, please email Jordan at [email protected].


What are the Dates for 2021?

Term 1:                  May 30-June 12                Two Weeks

Term 2:                  June 13 – July 3                 Three Weeks

SPARK 1*:                June 13 – June 19              One Week

Term 2B:                June 20 – July 3                 Two Weeks

Term 3:                   July 4 – July 24                  Three Weeks

SPARK 2*:                July 4 – July 10                   One Week

Term 3B:                July 11 – July 24                 Two Weeks

Term 4:                   July 25 – August 7            Two Weeks

*SPARK 1 & SPARK 2 in 2021 will be for campers age 6-9 only.

What is the Pricing for 2021?

Pricing will remain the same for 2021 as in 2020.

One-week Terms: $1,925

Two-week Terms: $3,750

Three-week Terms: $4750

I’m not attending 2020.  How do I Become an Early Bird for 2021?

After completing the CAMP PLANS FORM, access the 2021 Camper Application within your Parent Account or from the link on our camp website.  Please note that with your 2021 application, your deposit from 2020 will rollover.  This rollover will be handled manually.  It will not show as an option on the application, but you will not be charged a new deposit for 2021.

Camp Olympia 2025 Open House.

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2025 Open House