“The Junior Golf Academy at Camp Olympia is a top notch training ground for junior golfers. Our son has attended for four years now and he loves the facilities and the attention he gets as part of this multi-week experience. The small group setting for instruction and the skills work focus has really helped my son improve different aspects of his game. We are proud to say that this golf instruction experience at the Junior Golf Academy has help lead our young golfer to the ranks of a high school golf team member as a freshman.”
– Camp Olympia Parents, Houston
“If you are considering having your kids attend a camp this summer, look no further than Camp Olympia! It is fantastic! If they want to focus on golf while at camp, the Junior Golf Academy is second to none. In the morning if your kids would enjoy practicing and playing at the best course in Texas, then after lunch perhaps biking, water skiing, playing tennis and much, much more, Camp Olympia is for them!”
– Mark Harrison, Director of Operations Northern Texas PGA