Camp Olympia

Medical Care

Medical Care

We have two registered nurses on site during the term.  They treat minor illnesses and injuries and decide who needs to see the doctor in Trinity. Depending on the attention needed, campers may be taken to the urgent care or hospital in Huntsville which are approximately thirty-two miles from camp. You will be contacted if your camper needs outside medical attention. It is an American Camp Association accreditation standard and a Camp Olympia policy!

In addition to the nurses, there are also nurses’ assistants that help attend to any sick campers as well as drive them to the doctor in town if needed.  Several of these assistants are camp moms who understand the importance of providing a little TLC!  Campers also love when they surprise activity classes by hand-delivering Gatorade or “Arctic-cold” water to all campers who have their water bottles with them!

Olympia’s Nurses’ Station is centrally located in camp and has beds available for any ill campers that need extra care and/or are contagious.

Need to bring medicine to camp?  All medication must be turned into the nurses on opening day and be in its original prescription bottle.

Parents with any specific concerns can meet with the nurses on opening day to discuss their camper’s health.  While at camp, parents with any questions can call the main camp office at 936-594-2541 and ask to be connected to the Nurses’ Station to speak with a nurse.

On opening day, all campers will have their temperature checked prior to arriving in a cabin.  Later with their cabin, all campers will also stop by the Nurses’ Station to meet the nurse staff and for a health check.

Your camper must have a Health History Form and Physician’s Examination Form on file at Olympia, completed and signed by a doctor and a parent before attending camp.  All camper forms are available to mail out beginning in March.

Camp Olympia 2025 Open House.

Join us March 22 to learn how summer at Camp Olympia is an absolute GAMECHANGER!

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2025 Open House